Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by him April 6th 2015, 7:38 pm

send in your stories and I'll narrate them
Praetorian of Liberty

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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by alyaza April 6th 2015, 7:39 pm

i actually have spinny's diary on here

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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by alyaza April 6th 2015, 7:41 pm

behold our american patriot's thing

Introduction, Part 1
And then I saw her. The person who sat next to me in all classes except
two. The person who was almost always next to me in line. The person who
was in front of me, behind me, EVERYWHERE I WAS at school. Annie.
Annie Burgess.
Shields down, the control panel went bezerk. Sparks flew. Wires shorted.
Nidhiki struggled to calm the violent shock. One word appeared on the screen:
The shock was caused by the way she wore her hair. It was up in a ponytail.
That always got me going. It was strange: The ugliest kid on earth (well, maybe not)
had a crush on the prettiest girl in the sixth grade. It was insane.
I still like her. After all, the situation I described above could have happened
recently. She wears her hair in a ponytail often.
My name is [[lol]] [[no]]. I wear glasses that I got in fourth grade,
have skin tan from all the times I have been outside, and close togther, narrow,
eyes. I'm from Germany (several generations back), not Aisa.

I have a friend named John Cook. He's been outside more than I have, so his skin's darker. He used to wear glasses, but he quit in fifth grade. His hair is brown (the same color as mine),
and he can draw much, much better than me.

I'm a computer wiz. That's no suprise if you know that my dad got one of his masters
in computer science. I know more about computers than anyone else at school. I keep
my belief strong that I should be a media tech, too.
A media tech is a job that the teachers pick you for in fifth grade where you
get to reccord school events on cameras. I have a Vcam Now 2.0 that I have made many
movies with at home. The position is permanent and fun. Now there's a job you'll never want to
Let me describe Annie. Her eyes are an inch farther apart than mine. She has long,
yellow-golden hair, somewhat wide eyes, and skin much paler than mine.
The only person she never, never, EVER talks to is me. I have a running thought that maybe it's because she likes
me, but I say that isn't possible and push the thought away.
Her friend was named Haley and still is. As with all girls, she's one of many. She looks pretty much like Annie except her eyes are narrower and closer togther. She's asked me about my arm before a lot. I forgot to mention that I messed up my thumb in a scooter crash and have it in a splint. It's less elaborate than that, but I'm not saying.
From beginning to end, it's a long story, so I'll make it short. I'm talking about how I started to like Annie, not my scooter crash.
Way back in 1st grade I had a horrible temper. Someone once said that I therw all of the backpacks out of the cubbies one time when I got mad. First grade was when Annie moved
from Texas to Kansas. She once said the reason why, but I forgot it.
She was in the same class as me then and no doubt remembers my temper. That's the reason it's impossible for her to like me.
In fourth and fifth grade I admired her ability to solve problems. One time in fifth grade I remember being on a team with the stupid, short bully Tyler Green. (I'll talk more about him later.) Tyler is a nusiance and we were in the same class then. Annie was also on the team. So I thought, I hate being with Tyler. Well, at least Annie is on the team. Tyler might not bother me with her around.
He did, though.

Introduction, Part 2
On the night of August 22, 2007, I had the wierdest dream in my life.
First of all, John was part of a religious cult that wore nun-like uniforms. They were preforming a ceremony on my stairs, which were very wide in the dream.
In the dream, there was a garbage dump at the bottom of the hill we live on. In real life there isn't one, and we live on a suburban hill at the edge of town. I go to Sunflower Elementary School, just to tell you.
In the dream, we also had a front porch, which we don't have in real life. A large slingshot was mounted on the porch, which was used to fling garbage to the dump. For some reason Annie and I lived in the same house. I decded to play a hedious prank on her.
So I flung her pants off the slingshot. (It was hard for me to type "pants.") Later she came in my room wearing the same pair that I had flung off the slingshot. She asked me, "Did you fling my pants off the garbage slingshot?" I thought, She's right where I want her.
All I remember about the next part of the dream was shining a projecter on the blank white wall under the top bunk of my bunk bed and Annie talking in Mrs. Behrot's (one of my teachers) voice.
The next day I told John about his part in the dream. I didn't tell him or (of course) Annie about her part in the dream, but I did tell him about the teacher voice part, saying "someone" instead of Annie.
That same day we got in groups to study for a genere quiz. Annie and I were in the same group! For the first time in my life, I felt chills. They were as cold as Mt. Everest. I sweat a cold sweat. Then I realized I hadn't brought a hard surface to write on! it was my lifesaver excuse to leave.
When I came back I saw my hispanic, quiet, friend Ramirez was in the group. I told him I thought I was in a group with all girls until he showed up, which was half of the truth.
I haven't seen Annie wear that same outfit since that day.
The next day Annie wore a sleeveless blue with white polka-dots shirt with a brown skort. (I don't know what they're called, I'm a boy!)
That outfit put a thought in my head during Social Studies that I wanted to put a chainsaw through my skull for.
Annie walked right in front of my desk during our next class, Math. (It would be called Algebra, but this isn't Junior High School.) If I hadn't looked down, my head would have exploded. Later, Mrs. James, our Math teacher, asked Annie, because she was in the front, to pass out envlopes so we could put something in them. Not again, I thought to myself.
But she only quickly zipped up, gave me my envelope, and zipped away again. It only raises questions. Why did she do that so fast? Does she know I like her? Does she want nothing to do with me? Does she like me?
All of those questions remain unanswered as of this writing.
The next Monday, as I was getting (renting from school district 497) my french horn for band, I saw Annie in line for instruments. Soon she was beside us. (Us is my brother, Bryce, my sister, Kelsey, my mom and I. She had her mom and her brother Johnson with her.) When getting my french horn, I almost fell backwards right in front of her!
On September 21st, 2007, Annie and I had something happen to us that should never happen to an ugly guy and a pretty girl.
In science that day we were going on a little walk to observe orb weaver spiders at someone's house. We were to have partners to walk there with.
I bet you're way ahead of me on this.
On the walk there, I kept getting in front of her. Someone had to keep telling me that my partner was behind me. Thoughts of death crossed my mind. I never thought I would die so young. She started talking about how she caught the crickets she was going to feed to the spiders. (To anyone who was listening, not to directly ME.) She said that she lived in a newly developed area and there is a woods behind her house. (I later found out that she lives in a fully developed area but there is a woods behind her house.) The words "newly developed" got me mad . Here's why:
"newly developed" =expensive=money
I hate kids with parents that spend a lot of money on the kids. The kids have ipods, cell phones, and every other electronic gaget you can think of. Sure, I've got a computer and TV in my room, but the TV we've had for several years and this computer I'm typing on a friend gave to us.
On the way back to school from the walk Annie went up to Haley, who was in front of us, and said these exact words: "You're my new partner, Haley."
You may be rolling on the floor with laughter or you may have no reaction, but those were her exact words.
As we were coming up to a crosswalk Haley ran up ahead . Annie begged her to come back, but Haley stayed ahead.
Nearly right in front of Annie, back at school, I told John about the student new parntner assignment. He laughed.
In the first part of this introduction I mentioned a guy named Nidhiki. Bionicle fans would recognize this immedetaly as the toa-gone-bad-dark-hunter. For those of you that have never heard of Bionicle (a large majority of the population), I'll give you a briefing on who-and what-he was.
Nidhiki was a special warrior gifted with the element of air. These warriors are called toa. They defend the matoran (villiagers), serve the Great Spirit Mata Nui (creator), and honor the three virtues of the matoran: Unity, Duty, and Destiny.
Nidhiki lived in the thriving bionicle metropolis of Metru Nui. During a war with the Dark Hunters (a band of mercenaries and bounty hunters) Nidhiki made a deal with a Dark Hunter that he-Nidhiki-would help defeat the rest of the toa by leading them into a trap.
He had a brother named Lhikan who controlled the element of fire. Lhikan had overheard the conversation Nidhiki and the Dark Hunter had. The next day the toa were being lead into the trap. Dark Hunters popped up on every side, surronding them. Just then hundreds of toa popped up over the canyon wall. Lhikan said he had overheard the conversation with the Dark Hunter while trying to tell Nidhiki where a shipment of the toa was docked.
Nidhiki was lead out of Metru Nui along wth the rest of the Dark Hunters, for he was a traitor.
Over a span of time Nidhiki stayed at the Dark Hunter island fortress and was mutated by a being named Roodaka to a four-legged, wierd headed freak.
He aided Makuta (the supreme evil being) in his conquest to enslave the matoran with a big blue brute named Kreeka. Nidhiki and Kreeka were absorbed into Makuta later and were presumed dead.
In my mind, there are characters that seemly control it. Nidhiki in his four-legged form is the main one. In my mind, I imagine a large screen from my eyes and a control panel full of gagues and buttons and levers, like they're controlers of a huge machine (me).
Chapter 1
Monday, October 15, 2007
When I stepped out of the Chrystler Town and Country, I had two people on my mind: Annie and John.
John was in the cafeteria, waiting at a table, as usual. But today I had something to share with him. I had been typing up a book on the computer in my room, had put it on a floppy, and printed it off on the computer downstairs. I had coded it so only John and I knew what it really said.
It talked about my wacky life as a dork. It had humor, adventure, and of course, love. My crush on Annie is what it focused on.
I saw Annie back in the classroom, as usual. But the rest of all of my days are never usual.
In music we had to sing to a music teacher named Mrs.Welsh. (I later found out that she is Matt's [another one of my friends'] vocal teacher.) My voice likes to be low, so it was hard for me to sing up high like she wanted us to.
A "concidence of love" occured. Annie stood right in front of me the whole time, once ajusting her shirt-jacket, so I had to look up or die.
That day Annie wore a white shirt-jacket with jeans, which I hadn't seen before, but that's common.
Another "concidence of love" occured during lunch when I was dumping my tray. Annie came up from behind me to dump her lunchbox and I had already dumped mine, so I pranced away "happily".
Yet another "concidence of love" happened. Lots of them happen during the day, so I wonder if Annie does them on purpose. I turned around at the end of the day and nearly ran smack into Annie.
I don't think I've mentioned Greg. He's a big Pokemon fan and is always talking about thier video games. So are Matt and John. Here is your name, Greg. PS: I think you look like Tory on Mythbusters.
Chapter 2
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Annie wore her hair in a ponytail today, but only at the end. Drat!
Today she wore a blue T-shirt with gray-blue jeans. On the T-shirt it said something about a New York show, as I overheard from a conversation Annie and Haley had. Annie showed a crude example of the dances they had preformed to Haley. "Your'e retarted, Annie," she said. "You're both retarted," I had quietly whispered.
In gym, we played four square. When Annie had ten points I had zero.
In Social Studies, we played Egyptain games because today was Egypt Game Day (we've been studying Ancient Egypt) and Mrs. Burgess was there to take pictures for our A Passport Through Time project. When Mrs. or Mr. Burgess are nearby, it makes my head spin. I usually don't think about them when I think about Annie. She looks so much different than all of her family members that it looks like they changed her gentic coding in the womb. She's so thin she must only weigh 50 pounds. Her eyes are very, very, far apart too. The only thing that they almost all have in common is thier hair. I haven't seen Elly Burgess, but I'm supposing that they all (Except Mr. Burgess, whose hair has turned gray) have yellow-golden, or blonde, hair. Even Johnson.
I saw Annie later that night, at Science Night, but only twice. One time was outside, where she, Haley, and another friend Maggie were sitting at a bench when we walked outside to watch a scientest do an experiment. They were more of playing around the bench more than actually sitting on it.
The next and last time I saw Annie where she was recognisible was in the snacks area. She streched out the corners of her mouth and stuck out her tounge and kept her eyes open like she would when her mouth is closed. It was at someone else, I could tell, because she was turned to her side.
Chapter 3
Wedenesday was dreary and rainy and I didn't get time to write about it.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
On Wednesday, I made an image of an evil guy and I'm the hero. Annie was my girl. She had hearts above her head. John stood off to the side.
Today Annie wore a pair of gray-blue jeans with a gray half top shirt-jacket and a shirt underneath. It's hard to describe.
And yes, her hair was up in a ponytail. Well, at least not up until 2:10. We get out at 3:45.
I saw Annie talking to Jake, the chick magnet, during recess. Lovebirds! Jake is a guy who looks pretty much like me except he dosen't wear glasses and his hair is blonde.
As I said before, Annie is too perfect for all of us. She's extremely skinny and has the looks to get anyone to do anything she wants them to. From Haley to John, there's always someone rolling her baratone for her, throwing dirty things away for her, or anything else she wants done.
Chapter 4
When I say that, I'm reffering to the head-turning, reluctant to run toward Jake, non-talking behavior. She does those things a lot.
Well, here comes a big skip. I haven't written in a very, very, long time.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
For the past two months, since the beginning of December, Annie had sat next to me. Recently, we changed seats. I can't belive it, but I'm actually sad we moved. The only thing I didn't like was the view. It was getting old, staring at the other side of the classroom, away from the windows. Although we sat next to the windows, Annie sat closer than me to them. In other words, she sat on the right and I sat on the left. And you know how I said earlier that she never, EVER talks to me? Well, turns out she talked to me several times during this period. But, of course it was casual talk such as, "Isn't today your birthday?" and, "What did you bring for planner reward?" She was never very suspific (spelled wrong). That raises questions.
Opps, ran out of time. Well, just read the next entry.
Chapter 5
Saturday, February 9, 2008
On Friday, Annie looked absolutely, well, geogeous (spelled wrong again). I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Opps, I forgot that's normal. The tight shirt she wore showed how skinny she was. That just seems wrong. I'll say no more. The rest is even worse.
Today we (my family) went to Crown Center for the afternoon. We were supposed to stay for 1 hour, but we ended up spending the afternoon there. While we were eating dinner at a cafe at the mall, I saw an, about, eight-year-old kid with a baloon. A, what I could describe, fun-loving, waiter was bopping the kid's baloon up, and the baloon sank gently back down. The kid was okay with this until the baloon was bopped up out of the waiter's reach. While the kid went to get a new baloon, I watched the baloon sink back down. When the kid came back, he was suprised to see that the baloon was in his arm's reach. By the way, the celing was about 25 feet up. And we were up on the seccond floor. You could look over the railing and see ground level.

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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by him April 6th 2015, 7:41 pm

Whip out some passages I might do them depending on the contents
Praetorian of Liberty

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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by alyaza April 6th 2015, 7:42 pm

do the first bit

Introduction, Part 1
And then I saw her. The person who sat next to me in all classes except
two. The person who was almost always next to me in line. The person who
was in front of me, behind me, EVERYWHERE I WAS at school. Annie.
Annie Burgess.
Shields down, the control panel went bezerk. Sparks flew. Wires shorted.
Nidhiki struggled to calm the violent shock. One word appeared on the screen:
The shock was caused by the way she wore her hair. It was up in a ponytail.
That always got me going. It was strange: The ugliest kid on earth (well, maybe not)
had a crush on the prettiest girl in the sixth grade. It was insane.
I still like her. After all, the situation I described above could have happened
recently. She wears her hair in a ponytail often.
My name is [[lol]] [[no]]. I wear glasses that I got in fourth grade,
have skin tan from all the times I have been outside, and close togther, narrow,
eyes. I'm from Germany (several generations back), not Aisa.

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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by salty April 6th 2015, 7:45 pm


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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by him April 6th 2015, 7:55 pm

awww this is so cute lil spinnythings in love!

Annie wore her hair in a ponytail today, but only at the end. Drat!
Praetorian of Liberty

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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by him April 6th 2015, 8:41 pm

Praetorian of Liberty

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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by salty April 7th 2015, 8:40 am

Oh Spinny what a doll

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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by alyaza April 26th 2015, 8:18 pm

OP u should continue :333

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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by the 4th disciple April 27th 2015, 4:40 am

simply epic

Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED 193WNuq
the 4th disciple
the 4th disciple

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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by him April 27th 2015, 5:49 pm

applejack-appaloosa wrote:OP u should continue :333
I think ill do another
Praetorian of Liberty

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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by Mac B April 27th 2015, 8:28 pm

scarred for fucking life
top notch imagos
Mac B
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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by alyaza May 22nd 2015, 5:03 pm

OP you should do this next

ok ill tell yall what happened
i decided to just go through with the bullshit plan i had made up today because i told some people i was gonna go through with it and was sick of chickening out
so right at the end of the hour as she was walking behind me i said hey and offered her an empty neatly refolded gum wrapper as a piece of gum (a bunch of faggots in that class had kept falling for that trick and making a big deal out of it) and she fell for it and giggled a little or some fuck idk i was phasing in and out of reality at this point
anyway i offered her real gum and she said ok so i gave her a piece and holy fuck i was shaking like i was going to explode but i literally felt nothing and we left
she was smiling a bunch and fuck but idk what she thought
didnt seem weirded out
spinnydongs and the girl

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Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED Empty Re: Inspired by the Tomoquoise Tales: The Spinny Files NARRATED

Post by him May 22nd 2015, 8:43 pm

coming up soon buddy
Praetorian of Liberty

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