chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse)

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chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse) - Page 3 Empty Re: chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse)

Post by Mac B September 13th 2016, 4:26 pm

what if your child is born with schizophrenia
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Post by toby September 13th 2016, 4:31 pm

or do you just expect that your kid will just be perfectly nice and good if you just allow them to do whatever they want

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chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse) - Page 3 Empty Re: chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse)

Post by salty September 13th 2016, 6:23 pm

jesus fucking christ op are you defending kids having underaged sex and CP?

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chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse) - Page 3 Empty Re: chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse)

Post by george lucas September 13th 2016, 9:49 pm

Flamdini wrote:well it shouldn't be. if you can masturbate you should be able to have sex. if there's grass play ball. age of consent should be 14, works great in puerto rico
also works well in Japan you pedo
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chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse) - Page 3 Empty Re: chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse)

Post by toby September 13th 2016, 9:59 pm

age is just a number amirite - flamingdinner, 2016

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Post by george lucas September 13th 2016, 10:01 pm

back to the beginning of the last page id probably be less reluctant than my parents to let my kids have contemporary devices and such as long as I can monitor them somewhat and would take them away after a warning if I think they're using them way more than they should be

i was super out of the loop as a kid and don't want my children to have that same fate because I felt somewhat behind due to it
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chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse) - Page 3 Empty Re: chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse)

Post by toby September 13th 2016, 10:25 pm

tbh i probably wouldn't want my kids have social media/phones until they're in their late teens(like 17-18)

though i do have to wonder if not ever having an interest things like that contributed (to some small extent) to me being such garbage in terms of social matters

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Post by george lucas September 14th 2016, 5:33 am

no phone till 17? fuck that Jesus dude
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chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse) - Page 3 Empty Re: chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse)

Post by Zilchexo September 14th 2016, 6:40 am

Brewmaster Mac wrote:
fd wrote:"or i'll take away your phone/kick you out"
it's astounding you compare those two
no no it really isn't
fd wrote:mac "ah don't need dose dere dey dem sex ed cerz mah parents tol me when yew put yer peenis raht there in
once again, your view of me is insanely fucked by prejudice against conservative people. sex ed is generally a good thing if they didn't try to use scare tactics all the damn time. nice ad hominem bro
just pointing out that not all sex causes pregnancy
fd wrote:maybe i'm a teenage rebel that makes bad decisions or maybe i'm an abuse victim who has seen the extremes of bad parenting mentalities
nice cultural hegemony and social colonialism :^)
sorry fd your dad threatening to ground you from your phone isnt abuse
try "destroying my electronics multiple times both intentionally and unintentionally, attempting to spy on me, hitting me, asking me to fight him, deactivating my phone when i won't pick up because he's hurt me and i don't want to talk, yelling at me for something inane like 'not doing homework' if he's upset about something else, threatening to pull me out of school, and being verbally abusive and demotivational isn't abuse"
fd wrote:if he refuses help then yes. he will be a much better person if he bounces back from it
"yeah fuck that meabag huh"
the fact you put an if there in itself is disturbing. if society operated strictly by this method, rehab would not exist. and you KNOOOOOW how useless rehab is! silly druggies, never learning from their mistakes!
i still don't see why it's so controversial to keep an eye out for them while not supporting their actions and make sure shit doesn't go TOO far down the shit hole. by the way rehab is literally just forcing people to see shrinks in a building where they can't do drugs, you can rehab your kids at home.
fd wrote: if i take probably futile coercive action and permanently scar him mentally
"my dad got me to stop doing drugs at age 15 so i guess im pretty mentally scarred heh"
epic memer you abuse enabler
fd wrote:i don't understand why "children are people and feel extremely betrayed when you threaten them regardless of what shitty excuse you come up with" is such a hard idea for regressives to grasp
it's absurd of you to think I don't see young adults as fellow people
wanting to keep them out of trouble is not a "shitty excuse"
you know what is a "shitty excuse"?
letting your child fucking die of a heroin overdose because you said "well it's his life he'll learn" at the first signs
why is it such a hard idea for you to grasp that your children will make mistakes naturally but it's you job to ensure that it doesn't consume them  and that there is no guarantee they will learn from it.
your supposed parenting methods border on neglect and that is worrysome.
also don't call me "regressive" like you're "progressive" lil' bitch
once again you're not understanding me, i don't intend on standing by in that kind of situation, i intend on talking to them and if they don't listen i'll bring in psychologists and such.of course wanting to keep them out of trouble isn't a shitty excuse. but what about "i took away my son's phone for a week because i found out he was dating someone at 17 and not 22 like we (i) had established because i'm afraid he'll be distracted from school and become a doctor instead of a neurosurgeon", or "my daughter skipped school for a day because she was depressed to the point she couldn't get out of bed and i'm going to tell her to get over it and take her phone away for a week instead of doing the sane thing and institutionalizing her because i'm afraid she'll be distracted from school and become a prostitute", or "my son ate a marijuana brownie so i took his phone away for a week because i'm afraid he'll become a krokodil selling pimp". helicopter parenting is very much a thing, these aren't even extreme examples ("WHAT IF HE CUTS HIS FINGER???"). quite frankly i don't care what "path" my kid is setting down, i'll wait until he actually crosses the line i don't want him to cross before i get upset. weed? fine. coke? intervention time. dating? fine. sex? intervention time unless i guess they have future-y contraceptives. grade dip? fine. consistently low grades? intervention time.
samoyed wrote:so out of curiosity flaming, what is your solution if the child is a rebellious bastard who doesn't give a damn about you trying to come to a peaceful solution?
do you just let them do whatever the hell they want so they don't get mentally scarred?

also kids shouldn't be sexually active at 14 smrt smrt smrt
yes it's almost always a bad idea but soon enough we'll have foolproof no-hassle contraceptives like the sperm switch so what's the issue?

if he's rebellious have an intervention. schedule psych appointments to happen during the school day so he has no choice but to go with you to them because if he stays at school the school will know and punish him. it's effectively the same thing as dragging your kid into the car except they'll feel not nearly as bad about it. kill him with kindness. also i know movies and shit like to show perfect parents with punk children but it literally doesn't happen because there's no reason to unless you outright spoil them or they have mental issues, which is either not perfect parenting or a different issue entirely
Brewmaster Mac wrote:what if your child is born with schizophrenia
then obviously they aren't capable of reasoning correctly and the "let them learn from their mistakes" bit doesn't apply at all which means you should aggressively go at any bad things they're doing and if push comes to shove maybe threaten them but i'd go for directly trying to prevent them from doing it first. like if they're doing coke tell them you'll throw it away every time you find it.
room wrote:
room wrote:
Flamdini wrote:
room wrote:
Flamdini wrote:all it takes is another kid to repost this nude to, well, literally anywhere else and suddenly you're waist-deep in shit.

you don't take that risk, ever.
people learn from their mistakes

this isn't life lesson territory, when you get a police record it stays with you

an employer years in future can look at the kids police record and, oh, child pornography? not hiring this dude.


your kids nudes have the chance to be circulated in fucking CP circles, do you seriously still think thats ok.
good for them, they're not hurting anybody are they? then good for them.
actually police records get scrubbed at 18 so what's your point? smrt

"actually police records get scrubbed at 18 so what's your point?"

"good for them, they're not hurting anybody are they? then good for them."

i'm assuming you're referring to the CP reference
are you literally saying that having your own, hypothetical child's nudes on the internet is an acceptable thing to happen? are you actually a fucking sociopath
once again you can tell your kid they're being stupid and are going to get a criminal record but you can't make them stop. like i said i don't care who jerks off to what if they're not hurting anyone, i see no problem with my kid's nudes on the internet other than it would gross me out, it's not going to hurt my kid really
Flamdini wrote:
room wrote:seriously? your kid is doing coke and you're like "now son doing coke is bad you better knock that stuff off" instead of actively trying to help him.
straw man, obviously you should show concern and try to get him to quit either/both but not coercively.
misrepresenting my argument intentionally again. you realize my approach is literally just what every parent does but without the "or i'll take away your phone/kick you out" psychologically scarring bits

1. "or i'll take away your phone/kick you out"

these literally aren't even comparable

my mom got kicked out of her house by her abusive, cocaine-selling parents at 15/16 and was homeless for awhile, she literally still has problems because of this.

comparing this to having your phone taken away is beyond selfish.

2. if you know your own child is using substances that can be lethal or debilitating and is illegal where you live, you don't tell him that its bad and offer him help, you fucking get the kid away from wherever he's getting the substance and put him into rehab if necessary or possible.
they literally are they're both uses of coercion so your kids stop triggering you when parents run out of important shit to take away which can be as few as two things next is food and next is the right to live in their house and a lot of kids don't deal that way at all
Flaming \"Child Porn & Cocaine Advocate" Dinner wrote:
Brewmaster Mac wrote:so fd when your kid is snapchatting his thot gf about how many xans he took in the last hour and she's being smoothed in by a negro selling her kush do you kick back like "your life bro lmao"
if he refuses help then yes. he will be a much better person if he bounces back from it than if i take probably futile coercive action and permanently scar him mentally

you know what scars kids more than getting their nose candy taken away? shitty parents who don't stop their kids when they fuck up their whole life because their brains aren't fully developed to take account of their own actions.
lmao your brain doesn't fully stop developing until you're like 26 or so yet the drinking age is 21, the sex age is 18 max and the driving age is 16. 99% is good enough. and lives can be unfucked, psychology can't.
oaky wrote:jesus fucking christ op are you defending kids having underaged sex and CP?
believe it or not seth not every country is america. literally only indonesia has a higher age of consent at 19 (then there's the "must be married" countries but that's another issue entirely) (but a couple dozen countries DO have exactly the same age of consent) and lots of states actually have it at 16 and 17 (16 is probably more standard than 18, internationally speaking!). in fact only like 10 states have it at 18 and you're living in one of them.
an age of consent lower than 18 has gone swimmingly for everywhere that's implemented it. including, you know, most US states. just prosecute any rape that does happen like regular rape and not statutory rape, it's the same thing.
nice attempt to impose your values as the objectively true ones mr. "i've never left the united states of america", read breakfast of champions, read the ego and his own, grow a pair, and stop being a fucking pansy bless the pope

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chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse) - Page 3 Empty Re: chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse)

Post by Zilchexo September 14th 2016, 6:44 am

keemstar wrote:
Flamdini wrote:well it shouldn't be. if you can masturbate you should be able to have sex. if there's grass play ball. age of consent should be 14, works great in puerto rico
also works well in Japan you pedo
keemstar wrote:back to the beginning of the last page id probably be less reluctant than my parents to let my kids have contemporary devices and such as long as I can monitor them somewhat and would take them away after a warning if I think they're using them way more than they should be

i was super out of the loop as a kid and don't want my children to have that same fate because I felt somewhat behind due to it
if you don't want your kids to be out of the loop taking their phone away is one of the worst things you can do
samoyed wrote:tbh i probably wouldn't want my kids have social media/phones until they're in their late teens(like 17-18)

though i do have to wonder if not ever having an interest things like that contributed (to some small extent) to me being such garbage in terms of social matters
also reminder we're even having this convo because mac b suggested that he wouldn't let his kids do anything he thought was a waste of time

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chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse) - Page 3 Empty Re: chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse)

Post by salty September 14th 2016, 7:18 am

op you fucking LIVE in america what the fuck are you arguing? german kids can get it on with their teachers at age 16 so we should lower our age of consent too?

all of the credibility for everything you say rests on YOU being a whiny teenager who thinks he should have all of the freedoms of an adult and more (because laws are oppressive) so no shit everyone who isnt an anarchist disagrees with you and your need to have state-sanctioned child pornography legalization

and you say under 18 like i said any specific number meanwhile youre talking about kids having sex way under that age (not 17)

believe it or not mr. "imaginary social marxist pseudoscience terms support my delusion" you are saying things that are fucking radical, so YOU grow a pair you little crybaby fuck and get used to living in a society with 'rules' that you dont like instead of trying to come up with some psuedophilosophical reason about why that rule is colonially and patriarchially regressive

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Post by salty September 14th 2016, 7:19 am

i like how almost all of fd's posts have 'believe it or not' in them its so god damn smug "BELIEVE IT OR NOT foolish capitalists, but your brainwashing can be factually DISPROVEN by marxist theory!"

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Post by Zilchexo September 14th 2016, 8:17 am

oaky wrote:op you fucking LIVE in america what the fuck are you arguing? german kids can get it on with their teachers at age 16 so we should lower our age of consent too?
not necessarily just saying that countries with lower ages of consent don't have significantly larger rape issues which shows it's not a horrible idea like people who have never had to think about any country besides their own seem to think. in fact puerto rico actually only has a little bit of a higher teen pregnancy rate than the us (24/1000 vs 43/1000), LOWER than texas for example (64/1000),  lower than among black teens (100/1000), hispanic teens (84/1000), this all while having plenty of urban areas, lots of crime and no money. that's not even getting to japan at (4/1000). why, because we have sex ed that isn't toxic and a healthy culture on sex (oh yeah and we're also catholic as fuck that too). look at all this shit-
no 1 curr:
all of the credibility for everything you say rests on YOU being a whiny teenager who thinks he should have all of the freedoms of an adult and more (because laws are oppressive)
the first two things are definitely true but we've already been over me NOT saying laws are oppressive but arbitrary "STOP RESISTING" shit is
so no shit everyone who isnt an anarchist
nitpicking here but anarchists are people who support immediate anarchy, not eventual anarchy
disagrees with you and your need to have state-sanctioned child pornography legalization
and you say under 18 like i said any specific number meanwhile youre talking about kids having sex way under that age (not 17)
the age of consent is 16 in many states. 13/14 isn't "way below" and would be within most romeo and juliet laws
believe it or not mr. "imaginary social marxist pseudoscience terms support my delusion"
when did i use marxist terminology? "social construct"?
you are saying things that are fucking radical,
>conflating radical with "wrong"/
so YOU grow a pair you little crybaby fuck and get used to living in a society with 'rules' that you dont like instead of trying to come up with some psuedophilosophical reason about why that rule is colonially and patriarchially regressive
-slave owner

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Post by toby September 14th 2016, 10:36 am

keemstar wrote:no phone till 17?
i had no phone until 18 and i didn't even want the damn thing at that point
anyway, a kid should be old enough to understand all the ramifications of their behavior and 17 or 18 is old enough to understand that to a pretty good extent

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Post by george lucas September 14th 2016, 11:42 am

im not reading all of that only your replies to me

I meant "out of the loop" in a general sense not temporarily
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chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse) - Page 3 Empty Re: chat clients and social networks (zilchexo advocates child porn/drug abuse)

Post by george lucas September 14th 2016, 11:44 am

samoyed wrote:
keemstar wrote:no phone till 17?
i had no phone until 18 and i didn't even want the damn thing at that point
anyway, a kid should be old enough to understand all the ramifications of their behavior and 17 or 18 is old enough to understand that to a pretty good extent
ramifications of what, interaction with their peers and family?

and you're extremely antisocial
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Post by george lucas September 14th 2016, 11:47 am

fuck I got my first phone in like 8th grade and I thought that was late cuz eceryone else already had a phone for at least two years. and that was 10 years ago, now kids have phones in 1st grade

i wouldn't want to give them an iPhone but something they can contact me with
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Post by salty September 14th 2016, 12:09 pm

dae think people who dont think society is in need of a radical revolution are literally slave owners

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Post by salty September 14th 2016, 12:11 pm

"A 54 year old man should be able to have sex with a 13 year old if she says yes, I mean, it's just obvious" - fd

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Post by Zilchexo September 14th 2016, 1:14 pm

samoyed wrote:
keemstar wrote:no phone till 17?
i had no phone until 18 and i didn't even want the damn thing at that point
anyway, a kid should be old enough to understand all the ramifications of their behavior and 17 or 18 is old enough to understand that to a pretty good extent
every kid is different but for me it was likely 11. 18 is way too late unless your kid has brain damage or something
keemstar wrote:im not reading all of that only your replies to me

I meant "out of the loop" in a general sense not temporarily
i know you're still wrong
keemstar wrote:fuck I got my first phone in like 8th grade and I thought that was late cuz eceryone else already had a phone for at least two years. and that was 10 years ago, now kids have phones in 1st grade

i wouldn't want to give them an iPhone but something they can contact me with
if you mean a dumbphone those are quite literally on their way out. if you want to give your kid a phone they'll actually use that will last them just give them a smartphone when they get into middle school.
oaky wrote:dae think people who dont think society is in need of a radical revolution are literally slave owners
"don't try to change society just deal with it" is the mentality of a slave apologist
oaky wrote:"A 54 year old man should be able to have sex with a 13 year old if she says yes, I mean, it's just obvious" - fd
if she legitimately consents, has gone through puberty, understands sex, knows how not to get pregnant, etc. then what's the problem? it makes you uncomfortable? i'll remember that when i go back for college and start banging super hot caribbean lolis :3c
even if she regrets it grown women do the same thing and we don't consider that rape unless of course they're drunk

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Post by toby September 14th 2016, 2:04 pm

keemstar wrote:
samoyed wrote:
keemstar wrote:no phone till 17?
i had no phone until 18 and i didn't even want the damn thing at that point
anyway, a kid should be old enough to understand all the ramifications of their behavior and 17 or 18 is old enough to understand that to a pretty good extent
ramifications of what, interaction with their peers and family?

and you're extremely antisocial
ok i really should've explained what i meant by this
by ramifications i mean whatever absolutely retarded stuff that acting like an idiot with a phone would cause

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Post by toby September 14th 2016, 2:07 pm

seriously flaming your world view is absolutely terrifying

Flamdini wrote:seriously what the hell did you post
flaming you really seem to overestimate(to an absolutely astounding degree) the maturity of children

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